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You can be

Be the best

Cielo treatment center For Young Adults is a Quality and unrivaled mental health, alcohol & drug rehabilitation center located in Portland, Oregon

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At Cielo Treatment Center we specialize in addiction treatment for young adults and teens struggling with drug and alcohol use. For many, addiction isn't just addiction; most individuals seeking our rehab services also struggle with mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD.

From a young age, many people are taught to hide their feelings and are socialized to deal with anger, sadness, and anxiety alone. For most, seeking out young adult or teen drug rehab in Portland, Oregon is a major step. Our team of empathetic and supportive counselors is here to help you or your loved one on their journey to recovery and life-long change.

In addition to providing young adult treatment and teens, we also provide specialized services for working professionals, adults, indigenous, and LGTBTQ+ clientele. 

Start your 
journey now

Every great journey begins with a single step. Take yours towards a healthier, happier life.



At Cielo Treatment Center, we believe that every person’s story is different, which is why we equip our centers with licensed professionals for every unique treatment available for substance use disorders and mental health diagnoses.



From holistic therapies, evidenced-based treatment, and community support, our facility excels at offering a comprehensive program to meet our client's needs.

We help to develop tools, facilitate community support, and provide individualized treatment plans that are uniquely tailored to each individual client. We believe that treatment and healing can be a fun, rewarding, and positive experience! 

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Our Mission

Cielo Treatment Center provides people who struggle with addiction and mental health disorders the love, support, community, and spiritual connection that they need to heal from the pain of drinking and using substances. We believe that addiction, though devastating in nature, is a wonderful gateway of opportunity that leads to healing and growth. 

Take the 
First Step Now

We want you to have choices that will give you and your loved ones the best outcomes.

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