Substance use affects a wide range of people, but conversations about addiction often overlook certain groups. LGBTQ substance use statistics highlight this gap, showing the unique challenges of this community. Due to discrimination, stigmatization, and minority stress, they may often feel isolated, depressed, and anxious. These struggles deserve to be acknowledged and addressed.

Key Statistics on Substance Use in the LGBTQ+ Community
Research reveals concerning issues within the LGBTQ+ community and its history of substance use. Here are the key LGBT substance use statistics.
Higher Rates Compared To Non-LGBTQ+ Populations
Studies show that LGBTQ+ individuals have higher rates of substance use compared to the general population.
Reports by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) state that over 20% of LGBTQ+ adults misused prescription painkillers in the past year. This is over five times more prevalent compared to 3.6% of the overall adult population.
The report also states that the LGBTQ+ populations are more likely to use marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogens. Similarly, rates of alcohol misuse and binge drinking are higher among LGBTQ+ adults.
A detailed report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides key insights into substance use disorders. In 2021 and 2022, 32.2% of gay men, 32.4% of bisexual men, 26.5% of lesbian women, and 32.2% of bisexual women experienced a substance use disorder. In contrast, 20.7% of straight men and 13.8% of straight women faced similar issues during the same period.
Variation Between The LGBTQ+ Community
LGBT substance use statistics also show that certain groups within the LGBTQ+ umbrella have higher rates of substance use than others. For instance, transgender individuals face even higher rates compared to the rest of the LGBTQ+ population.
Transgender individuals suffer from almost triple the rate of nicotine addiction, alcohol addiction, and illicit drug addiction compared to cisgender individuals.
Drugs Of Choice Within the LGBTQ+ Community
Substance use encompasses various substances, but LGBTQ statistics highlight unique patterns and trends. Here’s what they commonly use:
Marijuana use is significantly higher among LGBTQ+ adults compared to the general population. A 2020 study by the Addiction Center states that approximately 42% of the LGBTQ+ population reported marijuana as their drug of choice. Meanwhile, the marijuana consensus among the general population is 19%.
LGBTQ substance use statistics also draw a concerning trend about alcohol abuse. About 20 to 25% of the population had moderate to severe alcohol dependence. This is twice the rate compared to 5% to 10% of the general population.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 6.7% of LGBTQ+ individuals misused prescription opioids in 2020. This is almost twice the 3.6% of the general population with opioid misuse reports.
Despite these concerning statistics, LGBTQ rehab is still hard to access.
Factors Contributing To Substance Use Of LGBTQ+
Discrimination And Stigmatization
LGBTQ+ individuals often face discrimination and stigma due to their sexual orientation and gender identity, leading to lost opportunities and violations of basic human rights. This unfair treatment contributes to increased isolation, rejection, and stress. In an effort to cope with these overwhelming feelings, many may turn to substance abuse as a source of temporary relief.
Minority Stress
Minority stress refers to the continuous experience of discrimination and navigating a society that often rejects one's identity. As a minority, many face misunderstanding and a lack of acceptance for reasons rooted in prejudice, which can feel dehumanizing. This ongoing stress is a significant factor contributing to higher rates of substance use within the LGBTQ+ community.
Limited Access To Support
Many LGBTQ+ individuals experience limited access to essential support. Finding substance abuse treatment centers that are culturally competent and sensitive to the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community can be challenging.

Tips For LGBTQ+ People On How To Overcome Substance Abuse
Overcoming substance abuse may not be easy for you and your fellow LGBTQ+ individuals. It’s an admittedly tricky fight for your rights, but here are some tips to help you on your recovery:
Find support and community. Seek LGBTQ+ support groups, community organizations, or online forums where you can find a sense of belonging.
Find a therapist who specializes in LGBTQ+ issues. A culturally competent therapist can provide you with support, guidance, and tools specifically for LGBTQ+ struggles.
Take care of your physical health. Prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and adequate and restful sleep to improve your overall well-being.
Identify and avoid triggers. Self-reflect and identify especially triggering environments for you. Afterward, limit your contact with certain people and visits to specific locations.
Celebrate your progress. Acknowledge and celebrate every single one of your milestones.
In Conclusion
As an LGBTQ+ individual, you face unique challenges in recovery. You have additional barriers and face higher vulnerability to substances. The LGBT substance use statistics say it all, but the stories behind these numbers are worth more. You are not alone in this journey. You can access community hubs and supportive therapists and practice self-care to build an excellent foundation for your sobriety.
If you’re looking for one of the LGBTQ treatment centers and want to start this journey with pride, visit us today at Cielo Treatment Center.